Monday, August 12, 2013

Chinese Fried Rice

When we pray we talk to God, but when we read his word, it is God who speaks to us. 
-St. Augustin

I love to read so much. Our house is packed with books and it is present everywhere in every nook in the house. Reading feels like a therapy to me. When I lived closer in a Barnes and Noble (a bookstore) before we moved, I just went in there and read the afternoon away.  

I love the smell of new books and touching the smoothness of its cover bring satisfaction. I love the pictures, I love the words in it and I love how authors tie and knit the words to perfect tone.  I specially love cookbooks and classic books.

But there is one book however that I have been toiling to get done The Holy Bible. The Bible has 1,189 chapters and since I was in college ( which is a very long time ago), I was trying to get done with the whole book. But unfortunately, I failed each time. So last year, I vowed that I will just read it. Not minding whether I understand it or not, JUST READ IT. So my quest began. I have good news to share, I am two chapters away. There were so many chapters, words and names that confused me, but I feel fulfilled. One thing I learned from reading the Holy Book though, is that the prophets, even though they were close to God  even though they spoke to Him directly, they still have to do THE WORK. Even Jesus worked! God did not just give them the stuff that they needed, they had to work for it. That really struck me so much because I tend to be lazy sometimes and I complain when things get tough.

Since I am almost done,I am planning to re-read it. But this time, more in depth. Even though I just read it like a novel the first time, I learned and I got encouraged how much more if I am going to  read it prayerfully. I am certain, it will change me.


6 cups rice
1/4 cup red bell pepper (diced)
3 tbsps cooking oil
1 small onion ( diced)
3  tbsps garlic (diced)
3 eggs
1 cup peas (frozen or fresh)

1 package cooked shrimps ( frozen shrimp in the grocery works fine)
Salt to taste


Put rice in a large bowl and add salt to taste and mix completely. Set aside.
Heat cooking oil in a large skillet.
Saute' garlic onion until soft and transparent. Add shrimp and frozen peas. Let this mixture simmer until shrimp is cook.
Add rice and mix thoroughly with the shrimp mixture. Push it on the side of the skillet to give room for the egg ( as shown above).
Scramble the egg and mix into the rice mixture. Add salt accordingly.

Serve and Enjoy.

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